Troubled Waters: Voices from the Gulf Coast, Two Years into the BP Oil Disaster
Two years after the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and set off a region-wide crisis with national impacts, the BP disaster has fallen off the nation's radar. But Gulf Coast communities continue to face profound economic, ecological, cultural, and public health challenges, either caused by the BP oil disaster or exacerbated by it. In this series of interviews, community leaders share first-hand the current state of the Gulf Coast. They also go beyond BP, sharing valuable insights about the region’s history, legacies, and hope for the future.
These videos and transcripts supplement "Troubled Waters: Two Years After the BP Oil Disaster, a Struggling Gulf Coast Calls for National Leadership for Recovery", by the Institute for Southern Studies. Read the report.

Cherri Foytlin
Rayne, LA
Why fighting for oil workers sometimes means fighting against the oil industry. Watch »

Daniel Nguyen
New Orleans East, LA
How Vietnamese fisherfolks are learning new skills and starting aquaponic farmers cooperatives. Read here

Rebecca Templeton
Chauvin, LA
How civic engagement on coastal restoration begins with sitting down to dinner. Read here.

Bryan Parras
Houston, TX
How growing up next to the oil industry has deeper impacts than you might think.
Watch here.

Monique Verdin
St. Bernard Parish, LA
How this documentarian uses video to tell the story of her Houma people and the threats they face. Watch here.

Roberta Avila
Biloxi, MS
Why this Miss. coalition director is focused on the Port of Gulfport expansion. Read here.

Rev Anthony Thompson
Gulfport, MS
Why community development starts with bringing youth to the table.Read here.

Sharon Hanshaw
Biloxi, MS
Why restoring her community and the Gulf Coast starts with women. Watch here.

Coastal Parishes, LA
How Bayou Interfaith Shared Community Organizing is building community while losing land. Read here.

Thao Chi Nguyen
Ocean Springs, MS
How a Mississippi organization is preparing the Asian American fishing communiy for change. Read here.

Clarice Friloux
Grand Bois, LA
How this outreach coordinator envisions the future of the United Houma Nation.
Read here.

Teresa Fox Bettis
Mobile, AL
Why this fair housing leader sees the Gulf Coast's future in green jobs and inclusive communities. Watch here.
This content was produced by Bridge the Gulf Project and the Gulf Coast Fund for Community Renewal and Ecological Health, in collaboration with the Institute for Southern Studies.
Interviews with Gulf Coast community leaders were conducted by Chris Kromm and Sue Sturgis (ISS); Ada McMahon and Brentin Mock (BTG); and Joshua Pelletier (GCF). Interviews were edited for clarity and length by Bridge The Gulf Project.