Bridge The Gulf's blog

By Renee Blanchard, Save Our Gulf. One-year ago today the Obama Administration lifted a moratorium on new deepwater oil-drilling. The moratorium, put in place on April 30, 2010, was the federal government's attempt to prevent new catastrophic oil disasters in the Gulf of Mexico.

Last month, Bridge the Gulf and Gulf Change partnered to create the first edition of X-Change, a Gulf Coast-based newsletter focused on environmental justice.  X-Change features  “good people doing good work”, including personal stories by Gulf Coast community members who are facing environmental justices issues, and updates on the work of local organizations working for sustainable, thriving communities.

By Bill Quigley.  Cross-posted from Huffington Post.

Six years ago, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf coast. The impact of Katrina and government bungling continue to inflict major pain on the people left behind. It is impossible to understand what happened and what still remains without considering race, gender and poverty. The following offer some hints of what remains.


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