oil industry

FASTA delegation of Filipino groups from across the country visited Louisiana this weekend to show solidarity with a local labor struggle against the oil industry, with national and international implications. A group of former workers at Grand Isle Shipyard (GIS), all guestworkers from the Philippines, have filed a class action lawsuit against the oil company for a range of labor abuses.

According to a new report, the petrochemical industry in Louisiana averaged one accident per day in 2010.  Here are three stories from that report, written by people who have seen the impacts of oil industry accidents firsthand -- two community leaders who live next to refineries, and one refinery worker.

By Renee Blanchard, Save Our Gulf. One-year ago today the Obama Administration lifted a moratorium on new deepwater oil-drilling. The moratorium, put in place on April 30, 2010, was the federal government's attempt to prevent new catastrophic oil disasters in the Gulf of Mexico.


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