african american communities

flooding in biloxi isaacPeople say it’s not that bad. They aren’t homeless and outdoors like they were after Katrina. But if you don’t talk to the individual you don’t know what their pain is. Right now, a lot of people don't have any food. Red Cross and Salvation Army are requesting donations for food. Nobody has the strength to go through the FEMA process. 

Editor's Note: With President Obama's historic statement in support of marriage equality, the national political debate over who has the right to marry has heated up. But the right to marry is not always the most pressing issue confronting queer people, especially in queer communities of color, which continue to face criminalization and police violence.

courtney oatsEditor's Note: Standing up for justice runs in Courtney Oats' family.  The 21-year old college student in Eupora, Mississippi is the great niece of Fannie Lou Hamer, and has been a community organizer since her teens.

vigilBy Dr. Lance Hill, crossposted from Justice Roars. One of the post-Katrina policies touted as a way of reducing poverty and crime was to demolish most of the large housing projects and disperse the poor throughout the city (and the nation).

john thompsonA Talk with John Thompson, by Jed Horne, Crossposted from The Lens.  John Thompson knows the streets of New Orleans. He also knows the state’s prisons. He was one of several defendants railroaded to death row during Harry Connick’s 28-year tenure as Orleans Parish district attorney.


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