Law and Policy

By Renee Blanchard, Save Our Gulf. One-year ago today the Obama Administration lifted a moratorium on new deepwater oil-drilling. The moratorium, put in place on April 30, 2010, was the federal government's attempt to prevent new catastrophic oil disasters in the Gulf of Mexico.

We who believe in freedom CANNOT REST!! The loss of Troy Davis is a living testimony that we must continue the conversation about the Justice System; From the ways people enter, the inhuman conditions that PEOPLE go through while they are in jail, and the way people exit and re-enter society. Let's mourn but do not give up. Know that the battle may be lost but the war has just begun.

Let us Pray: Oh Divine Creator of the Heavens and the Earths, hear our pray that NO ONE ELSE is killed by this horrendous Death Penalty.  St. Francis - Pray for us.


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